GEC’s environmental professionals offer a full range of natural resources consulting, planning, permitting, design, implementation and management services, accelerating our clients’ schedules and minimizing their costs by avoiding, minimizing, and/or mitigating environmental impacts and expediting the regulatory coordination, permitting and approval processes.
Using multidisciplinary approaches and drawing on the company’s experienced staff of engineers, chemists, geologists, biologists, scientists, foresters and planners, GEC provides innovative and cost-effective natural resources management solutions for a diverse spectrum of public and private sector clients.
- Ecosystem Restoration
- Exotic/Invasive Species Surveys and Management
- Fish and Wildlife Management
- Forest Management
- Habitat Evaluations
- Rare/Threatened/Endangered Species Surveys and Management
- Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method (FL)
- Watershed Modeling
- Wetland Delineations
- East Fork, White River – Section 206 Ecosystem Restoration
- Licking River Watershed and Dillon Lake Ecosystem Restoration Project
- Oyster Resource Assessment for Calcasieu River and Pass DMMP
- Threatened and Endangered Species Monitoring and Habitat Management Services for Red-Cockaded Woodpecker
- Environmental Assessment – Prescribed Burning and Mechanical Fuels Treatment for Winn Ranger District
- Liberty Chapel Thinning Environmental Assessment for Catahoula Ranger District
- Terrestrial Habitat Evaluation Procedure Analysis in the Boeuf-Tensas Basin
- RCW HMA Habitat Improvement for the Catahoula Ranger District
- Monitoring of the RCW using Digital Aerial Photography and GPS Ground-Truthing for Dare County Bombing Range
- Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method (Florida) – Herbert Hoover Dike Major Rehabilitation, Environmental Assessment, Finding of No Significant Impact
- Hydrologic Modeling in Metro Louisville Southwest Study Area
- Watershed Analysis for the Cane River Watershed in Kisatchie National Forest
- Louisiana TIMED Project Corridor Segments – Wetland Delineations and Permitting
- Highland Road Expansion – Wetland Delineation and Section 404 Permit Application Assistance