GEC possesses extensive, nationwide experience in the development of preliminary assessments and turnkey Dredge Material Management Plans (DMMPs) for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Dredge material is a valuable resource that requires evaluation and management in today’s coastal environment, and GEC develops DMMPs in accordance with Guidance for Conducting Civil Works Planning Studies (Engineering Regulation {ER} 1105-2-100). The plans typically include the following services:
- Dredged material quantity forecasting
- Plan Formulation
- Screening of placement sites, including upland, ocean, beach nourishment, marsh restoration, and other beneficial use options
- MCACES/MII Cost Estimating
- NEPA Compliance
- Sediment and water quality sampling and analysis for Section 103 Compliance
- Hydrodynamic modeling
- Wetland Value Assessments
- Mitigation Plans
- Interagency and public coordination