This Project Study Plan (PSP) identified the estimated level of effort, contingencies, work assignments, and schedules associated with preparation of a Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP). The DMMP required a description of all relevant dredged material management information including dredged quantities and quality of material for the portion of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway from High Island to the Brazos River along the Texas coast. This included dredged material management information on contamination, economics, environmental considerations and disposal management activities for the current dredging practices. Also, identification of specific measures necessary to manage the volume of material expected to be dredged over the next 20-years for construction and maintenance of dredged material placement areas for all Federal and non-Federal permitted dredging within the related geographic area. Alternative plans and a scope of work for preparing this DMMP were developed. The PSP for the final DMMP considered the full range of measures for dredged materials management, including management of existing disposal sites to extend their life; various combinations of new disposal sites including different disposal methods, disposal locations, periods of use; and measures to reduce dredging requirements, including reduced dimensions and reduced sediment from upstream sources.
Dredged Material Management Plan; PSP for High Island to Brazos
Client: U. S. Corps of Engineers, Galveston District
Areas of Expertise: Coastal Planning, Engineering & Restoration