Wave Generation & Propagation
- Wave hindcasting, wind generated waves, spectral sea states, wave growth and decay.
- Spectral and monochromatic wave propagation, wave shoaling, refraction, diffraction and breaking.
- Wave transmission, reflection and wave structure interaction.
Tide and Wind Induced Circulation
- Tidal harmonics analysis and tidal prediction.
- Tidal circulation and flushing.
- Wind induced circulation.
Wave Induced Circulation
- Radiation stresses.
- Wave induced alongshore and cross-shore currents and vertical profiles.
- Wave setup and wave-current interaction.
Sediment Transport & Coastal Morphology
- Alongshore and cross-shore sediment transport and sediment concentration.
- Long-term shoreline evolution and sediment budgets.
- Storm induced beach, dune, bluff and shoreline erosion.
- Beach nourishment performance, inlet stability and offshore bar migration.
Storm Surge & Coastal Flooding
- Wave runup and overtopping.
- Storm surge and storm induced beach/dune erosion.
- Coastal flood mapping.
Constituent Transport & Water Quality
- Water quality parameters, residence time and water exchange time.
- Pollutant transport, dispersion, decay and fate.
- Point source discharge.
- Salinity distribution.