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Perkins/Old Perkins Service Area – Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Client: City of Baton Rouge

Areas of Expertise: Water & Sewerage Systems

Sanitary Sewer System Upgrades, South Force Main and Gravity Systems, Booster Pump Station 514 Replacement – Perkins/Old Perkins Service Area – Baton Rouge, Louisiana

GEC was the prime consultant for this project commonly known as PS 514 and designed and prepared plans and specifications for the installation of a new submersible lift station and control building which contained all the electrical distribution equipment. The pump station design included six 500 horsepower and two 165 horsepower submersible pumps to handle wet and dry weather flow, respectively. Pumps were additively started and speed ramped up to maintain the lift station water level. Pumps rotate through a use profile to keep any one pump from constantly being overused. In addition to pump rotation, automatic VFD speed control and addition and removal of pumps were utilized to handle varying waste water flow demands based on control by the station PLC and input from the bubbler level system. The design also included an emergency generator and automatic transferring means, sized to provide back-up power for the station to run at 100% in the event of a power failure. GEC’s services included engineering design, project management, site planning, structural design, electrical design, and environmental studies and permitting.

Costs: $ 8,500,000 (construction), $ 904,000 (fee)

Project Size: Six (6) 500 horsepower and two (2) 165 horsepower submersible pumps